Summer is here and with it brings access to fresh and local produce. Who doesn’t love those fresh June strawberries grown right here in Pennsylvania!
We at Pinnacle Fitness take our health, and yours, very seriously. We love to take advantage of the summer months to eat locally grown fruits and vegetables. Some food items are considered superfoods and provide a great amount of vital nutrients to keep our minds and bodies healthy and energized.
Let’s take a look at a few of these locally grown superfoods and show you how you can incorporate them into your daily diet.
1. Blueberries
Blueberries are stocked full of antioxidants and are great for your heart and brain health. They contain nutrients that can help your body fight cancer and also diminish inflammation. Blueberries are as superfood as superfoods get!
Try topping your favorite cereal or granola with blueberries in the morning to get that extra punch of energy and provide a little natural sweetness.
2. Broccoli Raab
Broccoli raab isn’t actually broccoli, it belongs in the turnip family. It is also commonly called rapini. This is a dark leafy vegetable that is packed with nutrients that energize and keep you feeling full.
Try sautéing this leafy green with some garlic and sprinkling it with parmesan cheese. Yummy side dish to accompany any meal!
3. Mushrooms
Pennsylvania is well known for its mushroom production. Mushrooms have recently been hailed to be the new superfood because of its high vitamin B and D content. Mushrooms are a great food item to add to your diet especially if you don’t eat meat.
Mushrooms can become a substitute for ground beef in some recipes. Try a veggie burger made with mushrooms to remove fatty content and stay lean and healthy.
4. Spinach
Spinach is that vegetable that has been exposed as the ultimate power food for a reason. Spinach is extremely high in vital minerals and nutrients that energize and should be added to your diet if you are looking for that extra kick
If you aren’t fond of the taste of spinach, try the softer-tasting baby spinach. Add some leaves of baby spinach to your regular salads plus your favorite low-cal vinaigrette. Great summer food choice!
Summer is meant to be fun and is the time of the year when outside activities become more accessible. You’ll need some extra energy to get through your days and through your workouts. Eating healthy is a great way to keep your body alert and energized. Adding super-foods to your diet will definitely give you that extra spring in your step.
Come in and speak with a fitness specialist at Pinnacle Fitness to get more ideas and tips on how to boost your summer energy and make the most of your workouts.